What I'm working on today
It's Saturday, my girlfriend's out of town, and I've got no obligations. You know what that means--all-day craftfest!
Kate's employer has a hat and mitten drive every year for the school across the street. A teacher from the school recently came over to the office to ask if the mitten drive was going to happen soon, because the temperature's been in the teens in Minneapolis this week, and most of the kids are coming to school with no hats or mittens!
Well, I've been meaning to do my first pair of mittens, and what better way to test the waters than with kids mittens? Since they'll be smaller, they'll have to take last time! I started on them last night with the leftover yarn from my coasters, using a the "Child's Simple Striped Mittens pattern from Sivia Harding Knit Design.
So today I'm blogging, knitting mittens, and watching Rick Steve's European Christmas on the TPT telethon. (Side note: why is it that I never see Rick Steves on TPT except when there's a telethon going on?).
Later, when I get off the couch and gather up the laundry, I'm going to wash the onesie I made at craft night this week. I am hoping that after it's been washed and dried, the cut edges will curl up and look suuuper cute!

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