2010 Garden
On Memorial Day, our 2010 garden was born. Last year's garden was so much fun, I decided to expand. A lot. We took the entire top tier of the backyard landscaping over. I took my parents advice and used roundup to kill the grass a couple of weeks ahead of time.
We basically planted a community garden. It was a "barn raising" of the garden variety. The father of last year's tomato seedlings, Simon's Sarah's Dad Ron, offered to come help and give master gardening advice, so we eagerly accepted the offer. Simon and Sarah helped too, and even brought dinner for the grill later.
Tilling by hand is a tough job. We used a couple of "garden claw" type tools, but a plain old pitchfork was the best tool for the job. Unfortunately, it broke under the stress.
When it was all turned up, we raked away the dead grass.

Finally, planting!

Then watering... (notice we attracted a neighborhood kid who always likes to be helpful!)
Finally, planting!
Then watering... (notice we attracted a neighborhood kid who always likes to be helpful!)
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