I've been feeling terribly guilty about neglecting my craft blog lately, and of course, neglecting my crafts. I know people use work and "life is busy" as excuses for lots of things, but it happens to be true. Okay, so I left work at 5:00 today, but it was the first time all week. When I got home, I caught up on my favoritest, guiltiest pleasure: my stories. I watched the final episode of the OC (what a travesty), and last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy as well (I won't lie, I kinda hoped Meredith would die. What--she's gotten super annoying!). But then I had to go back to a work event, and just got home at 12:30am. Tomorrow I have to go to a meeting at 9am, not for work, but for a board I serve on. Every day has been like this. When, oh when, do I have time to work on my crafts?
I even have a new stash of great fabrics I'm dying to try out. A friend left the country for a two-year stint with the
Peace Corps recently, so she gave away a bunch of her stuff, including fabric remnants. If it wasn't so late and I wasn't so tired, I'd post some photos. Tomorrow, maybe.
OH, plus, I made my very first sale. My friends Abby and Sarah bought my
hearts onesie for a baby they expect to have in their lives very soon. I've heard requests for frogs and umbrellas, so I've got fun ideas for those new designs. I was planning out a really great idea for a onesie with a spoon & cherry Minneapolis theme, but I just heard a horror story about some college kids who were planning a big midwest conference in Minneapolis and were going to use photos they took of the cherry in the spoon for their conference materials, and just days before the conference got a call from the
Walker Art Center that they were breaking the law. OOPS!
So, I realized I should be careful what potentially copyrighted or protected material I use in my crafts. Which got me thinking, can you sell items you made by hand if you used a pattern from someone else? Like, can I sell mittens I knitted if I used a pattern from Stitch N Bitch? What about selling clothes I sewed if I used a purchased pattern? Not that I'm really in the retail business, but this knowledge would come in handy next time I consider entering something like the