Homework: I can park, and almost wash clothes
Labels: homework
a journal of crafts and DIY projects
Labels: homework
Labels: homework
It snowed today. I guess I better get used to the disappointment of spending hours clearing the sidewalks, only to have them fill up again. At least I didn't have to chip away ice this time. And I was really worried that I might be too wimpy to shovel all that sidewalk that surrounds my corner lot, but it wasn't awful, and it didn't take more than 45 minutes.
Trips to Hudson's Ace Hardware & Home Depot: 1
Tears: None.
Tears to Date: Twice.
Labels: homework
The craft/DIY blog has been hurting for some crafts lately,
Labels: other people's crafts
The adhesive removing continues. The Seantractor worked on it some this week. I spent eight hours yesterday on it. Here's basically how the day went:
I still have a corner of the room to finish, and then probably need to go back a third time and spot check with the remover, especially around the edges and in the closet. I should do it today, because it's not fun to do it at night after work at all. Even though Sarah was in the basement working on staining the window trim, it was better knowing I had company.
(unpaid) People Hours Invested: 14
To Date: 202
Trips to Hudson's Ace Hardware & Home Depot: 1
To Date: 14
Tears: None.
Tears to Date: Twice.
Labels: homework