On Saturday night I had a "celebration of my new status as a homeowner" party. I didn't want to call it a housewarming party, because I didn't want friends to feel like they needed to bring a gift. Some did anyway, and they were lovely gifts! I now have a fully stocked wine rack, some crazy lovely smelling hand lotion, and more:
Some beautiful gardening tools from Kandace and Andrea

A fun garden stake from Linnea and Rob

Mums from Phil, and aloe and a plant whose name I can't remember (everlasting something) from the Roehl sisters (could have used that aloe earlier this week when I burned myself with a curling iron!)

A set of super-duper cute napkins made by the very crafty Jane

An adorable teapot from
Kassie and
CJ and a very hip picture frame from, I'm embarrassed to say, I can't remember! Whoever you are, please step forward!

And finally, a six pack of my favorite beverage, complete with a wet suit to keep those little guys at just the right temperature and humidity. From the thoughtful Angela and Andy.

Unfortunately, I was too busy having fun and giving proud tours to take any photos at the actual party. Thanks to everyone who came and helped celebrate! And extra big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped with the house so far, and to Jenn and Roya for helping clean and make food for the party. Oh, and especially Brynn, who called me Lorda all night and whenever I asked her for help with something, responded, "sure thing!"
Labels: homework