Aunt Lola's DIY Blog

a journal of crafts and DIY projects

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alphabet Pillows: C & B

In December, Sarah and I went to the MCAD student art show and saw some alphabet-shaped pillows that were simply adorable. But being the crafty ladies we are, we decided to try to make our own, rather than buy the artist's version.

So just days before Christmas, we had a sewing day together. The idea was to make pillows for each of our neices and nephews in time for Christmas. Sarah needed to make a C for Christopher, an I for Isaiah, and a K for Keane. I needed a C for Cole, B for Brynn, A for Ava, and R for Reagan.

We were making it up as we went along, but I think we did okay. I started with the C, thinking it might be the easiest, since all of my other letters would need to have enclosed holes.

I used some tupperware container lids to trace nice round edges for my C. Then I cut a 3 inch strip of fabric for the sides and started sewing.

I was right that the enclosed holes would be tricky. Sarah and I came up with a few options that would be easier, such as placing a big button where the holes would be, or using a patch in the same fabric as the sides of the pillow. But I ended up going the hard route, because I could really picture little hands poking through those holes.

Another thing that was tricky about my B pillow was that I used one stretchy knit fabric and one more canvass-y one. Knit fabrics are kind of tough, especially mixed with canvass. But look how cute these fabrics are together!

Look at Sarah's finished I. Pretty cute!

It turned out I was right about the holes. It didn't take Brynn long to turn her B into a double bracelet. Unfortunately, I ran out of time to get the A and the R done before Christmas. I am going to see those two little munchkins on Valentine's Day, so I am setting that as my new deadline.

I think Cole and Brynn really liked their pillows. Or maybe they were just happy because I was letting them jump on the bed. Don't tell Grandma!

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sarah's Purse

Since I was reflecting on my birthday, here's a special birthday gift from Sarah. She knat me a purse, complete with an adorable lining, kiss clasp, and chain strap.

My friends clearly love it, and I get compliments on it everywhere I go!

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Several weeks ago I tried my hand at furniture recovering. Grandma Rita, the master bargain hunter, bought this chair at a garage sale for me when I was in college. Originally it was yellow houndstooth. The upholstery was stained, so she showed me what she had laying around to recover it with--a peach polyester and this blue and white striped canvass. I chose the stripes.

The chair has been in rough shape for a while. One of the springs under the seat was broken, and my guests were always shocked at how far they'd fall when they sat in the chair. But I've kept it all this time because I love the shape of it, and because it has special grandma love in it.

On my 30th birthday, one crazy dance move (not by me, although I was nearby when it happened) splashed red wine across my chair, rug, and roman blinds. I'd been meaning to recover the chair for a long time, and now it was a necessity.

After much fabric shopping and tough decision making, I bought a tan colored cordory-ish upholstory and got to work. But first, since Brynn and Jenn helped me pick out fabric, the three of us went to Caribou for coffee and hot cider. Jenn tells me Brynn has been asking when we can go for coffee with Aunt Lola again ever since.

But back to reupholstering. First I unscrewed the arms and legs, and then took care in ripping off the striped fabric, paying close attention to Grandma's methods. She had stapled the fabric underneath, and used hot glue to glue down the folds and seams. I hadn't bought any new batting for the seat, but what was there seemed to be in decent shape still. Attaching the new fabric required a fair amount of trial-and-error cutting, but eventually I got everything on the chair and looking nice. I even reattached the broken spring under the seat.

At that point it occurred to me that while I could attach the legs from the bottom, I had already covered the back access for attaching the arms. Oops! I was angry at myself for a while, because I really liked it with the arms, but I couldn't bear to rip off the fabric and start over. Plus, with all the hot glue, I wouldn't really have been able to use that fabric again, and I was not about to spend another $45. So here's the final product. I'm satisfied.

Just for Fun Addendum:

The day that picture of Brynn and I on the chair when it was striped was taken in March on a weekend when my parents were in town helping me stack the new washer and dryer and paint the stairs. Taking after her Aunt Lola, Brynn did a little craft project of her own. Stickers are fun!


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Waylon's Sweater: Completed

After a nearly two-month blogging hiatus, I have plenty to post. First things first, I finished Waylon's sweater. And not a moment too soon! Look how big he's getting!

I made it in a 12-month size, which might not have been the smartest move, since he was born in August, but maybe he can get some late spring or early fall use out of it.

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